Sunday, 21 June 2015

A warm welcome

It would make us feel sexy to pose as expert game designers and we may sound like ones, but the truth is we are not. We struggle to become ones. And we want to share with you the live experience of becoming ones or die trying. Sit back and enjoy! 

Why do we do this? Well, it's a bit idealistic - we want you to learn on our mistakes, avoid the traps that we stepped into, and thus, we want you to bring better games to the world. 

Uh, and OK, we won't be shitting you - we also want to create a solid fanbase that will support our future projects on kickstarters! :) 

Welcome to ‘Crap alert!’, a series of articles dedicated to basic failures that you may encounter when designing your game, be it a board game, a computer game, tabletop game, pen&paper, or whatever - we opt for holistic approach. We will stand up to the name of the blog and start with typical traps that you – a daring game designer may step into when making his first game. How do we know it? We’ve experienced it when making 'Gigamech Boardgame' and 'OpenSpace: the game of corporate pawns' - that’s how. And now, looking back on this bumpy road that took us so far, we see how many crappy design choices we’ve made (but still we believe theese are decent games after all. It may look silly but we are not ahsamed of sharing our experiences with you, giving you a chance to avoid some obvious crap when designing your game. It’s because we care about games in general being better and more valuable. We do not know a recipe for a bestseller game yet, but we sure know where you can slip on some shit. We’ve mapped the minefield for you and formulated some basic conclusions that you may want to consider when making a game of your own. Coming forth in next posts. Enjoy! 

P.S. Oh, and this is a great occasion to make some introductions. If you feel, that you will find this blog handy or funny, post a comment and say what brought you here. Are you a game designer? A customer curious of what's behind the screen? A guy or a girl (we hope you are!) that just want to have some fun reading stuff? Whoever you are - you're most welcome!